Компания TiMOTION создает технологии, благодаря которым автоматизация становится проще, удобнее и эффективнее. Наш ассортимент электрических линейных приводов способен удовлетворить самые разнообразные требования к конструкции для использования в обрабатывающей промышленности. Мы специализируемся на системах линейных приводов, которые служат как потребителям, так и компаниям-производителям. Ниже представлен каталог наших линейных приводов. Кроме того, вам предлагается узнать о революционном влиянии изделий компании TiMOTION на процессы создания высококачественной конечной продукции.
Линейные приводы

Перечень продукции
- Максимальная нагрузка: передача винт-гайка с трапецеидальной резьбой: 8 000 Н (Прямой ход/Обратный ход); шарико-винтовая пара: 4 500 Н (Прямой ход/Обратный ход)
- Максимальная скорость: 31.2мм/сек (передача винт-гайка с трапецеидальной резьбой, Двигатель пост. тока); 59мм/сек (шарико-винтовая пара, Двигатель пост. тока)
- Класс защиты IP: IP69K
Серия MA1
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Наши Pынки
TiMOTION primarily offers electric linear actuators operating in direct current configurations of 12V and 24V. Select models are also available in 36VDC, 48VDC, 110VAC, and 230VAC. Please consult your local sales representative for more details.
Each actuator is unique and can be customized according to your needs. We offer our customers electric linear actuators to support up to 16,000 N in push and pull. However, determining the load supported depends on the application, the design, how our product will be integrated into the project, and other characteristics. TiMOTION designs specific devices for industrial, medical, comfort, and ergonomic applications. Also, other parameters have to be considered, such as speed and stroke. New actuators are in development continuously; see sales for more information.
We manufacture electric actuators with different speeds depending on the type of application. However, each of our products' maximum speed depends on the type of motor used and its RPM (rotation per minute), the gear ratio, and the spindle. For more details, do not hesitate to consult our products' technical data sheets on our website.
Each actuator is unique and can be customized according to your needs. Depending on the load, we generally offer electric linear actuators with stroke ranges from 20 mm to 1000 mm. Please contact our sales department if you require a stroke outside of this range.
Our electric devices are specially designed to withstand their environment. However, we offer electric linear actuators with optional Ingress Protection (IP) up to IP68 or IP69K. This makes your electric motion system compatible with particularly harsh environments and resistant to solid or liquid components such as dust, water splashes, cleaning with detergents, or high-pressure cleaning.
It is important to select an actuator that can meet the requirements of the application. Every application has a list of unavoidable conditions. To choose the right electric linear actuator, you must first consider your application's constraints and technical priorities:
- Load to be pushed
- Required speed of movement
- Duty cycle
- Available installation space
- Application environment requirement
At TiMOTION, technical experts will work with you throughout your project to provide the best solution for your application. With a vertically integrated business model, TiMOTION offers highly customized solutions to meet the unique requirements of various applications, ensuring that the integration of electric linear actuation is seamless and efficient.
Please go to our “contact page” and select your location to find your nearest sales representative. You can also fill our contact form with your details, and we will contact you shortly.